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Manasvi Gupta

Apache Kafka, Spark, Scala

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In this post, we are going to look at some key differences between Apache Kafka and Traditional message brokers (e.g JMS, ActiveMQ).

1. Design

Apache Kafka : client-centric, with the client taking over many of the functions of a traditional broker, such as fair distribution of related messages to consumers, in return for an extremely fast and scalable broker.

Traditional message brokers : broker-centric, where the broker is responsible for the distribution of messages, and clients only have to worry about sending and receiving messages.

2. Scalability

Apache Kafka : horizontally scalable by adding more partitions
Traditional message brokers : not possible to scale horizontally

3. Performance

Apache Kafka : does not slow down with addition of new consumers
Traditional message brokers : both queue and topic performance degrades as the number of consumers rise on a destination

4. Publish options

Apache Kafka : unifies both publish-subscribe and point-to-point messaging under a single destination type— topic

Traditonal message brokers : provides both publish-subscribe and point-to-point messaging for publishing messages

5. Journal

Apache Kafka : each topic has a journal and there can be multiple topics.
Traditional message brokers : messages from all queues are stored in the same journal

6. Message delivery failures

Apache Kafka : client is responsible for replaying failed messages
Traditional message brokers : broker is responsible for re-delivery of messages

7. Message structure

Apache Kafka : message is a key-value pair. Payload of the message is sent as the value. Key, on the other hand, is used primarily for partitioning purposes and should contain a business-specific key in order to place related messages on the same partition.

Traditional message brokers : message consists of metadata (headers and properties) and body (payload)

8. Message integrity

Apache Kafka : includes checksums to detect corruption of messages in storage and has a comprehensive set of security features

Traditonal message brokers : no such option provided out-of-the box

9. Message retention

Apache Kafka : messages are not deleted on the broker once consumed.

Traditional message brokers : broker would either delete a successfully processed message or re-deliver an unprocessed or failed one (assuming transactions were in play)

10. Replay of messages

Apache Kafka : since Kafka retains messages, it is possible for clients to retrieve any message, providing option for re-processing of all messages.

Traditional message brokers : not possible, since, broker does not re-deliver messages that have been processed successfully by client