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Manasvi Gupta

Apache Kafka, Spark, Scala

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Recent Posts

Notes on theory of Distributed Systems - MapReduce

My notes from MIT 6.824 - distributed systems course - Lecture 1 which covers MapReduce, a classic paper from Google

Getting started with contributing to Apache Kafka (Part 1): Build and run Kafka from source code

In this blog post we will setup tools necessary to run Apache Kafka from source code

Apache Kafka vs Traditional Message brokers

Summary of key differences between Apache Kafka and Traditional message brokers (e.g JMS, ActiveMQ)

Solving Boggle game without using recursion

In which I show code that solves Boogle (game) without using any recursion

Color Your Logs And Stack Traces

How to color application logs on Unix terminal using tail and AWK

Do not enable caller location logging with Log4j

Enabling caller location info (line number, method name, class name and file number) with Log4J is useful, but, causes serious performance issues

Add Sun jars to your Maven repository

How to add Sun jars to your maven repository

Hello World!

Hey this is my new blog. Enjoy !